„FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THE HISTORY OF ARCHITECTUREA true logarithmic spiral has been worked out as a complete plastic building: a building in which there is but one continouous floor surface: not one separate floor slab above another floor slab, but one single, grand slow wide ramp, widening as it rises for about seven stories-a purely plastic development of organic structure.“((Frank Lloyd Wright, The modern gallery, in: Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer (Hg.), Frank Lloyd Wright collected writings, Vol.4, 1939 – 1949, New York 1994, S. 281.))
- zwischen 1943 – 1959 von Solomon R. Guggenheim und Kuratorin Hilla Rebey in Auftrag gegeben
- von Frank Lloyd Wright
- Temple of Non-Objectivity Collection for „Non-Objective Painting“
- Spannendes zur Timeline
Weiterführende Informationen zur organischen Architektur Frank Lloyd Wright’s – Eva Mazurova, Zu Frank Lloyd Wrights organischer Architektur, NEUE kunstwissenschaftliche forschungen 1/2014, S. 80-87.
Herzlichen Dank an Lenka Mesárošová für die Übersendung und Genehmigung der Verwendung von Bildern.